Tuesday 2 July 2024

Kamala's moment has probably arrived

Tucker Carlson thinks Kamala will be the Democratic candidate and it would be best for the Democrats if she becomes President now.

This is probably right, if she is going to be the candidate. She would have the advantage of being the incumbent and she could be President in more than name.

Will Jill move aside?

Should the BBC and the Times employ this extremist?

David Aaronovitch is a famous English journalist who writes for the Times and is a BBC presenter.

Mr Aaronovitch said the case had "been made" for the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

In 2013, though Aaronovitch had vigorously supported the bombing campaigns against Iraq, Libya and Syria, he became the chairman of the human rights organisation Index on Censorship.

He opposed Brexit. 

He recently wrote this. A propos of which, regular readers know I think Professor John Charmley's case against the UK going to war in 1939 is overwhelmingly convincing. 

I was also against the illegal and unnecessary invasion of Iraq. 

I am in favour of peace most of the time, in fact and want peace in Ukraine as fast as possible, for Ukraine's sake, but I am not sure it is possible any more, thanks to America and England.

Monday 1 July 2024

History teaches no lessons or rather teaches bad ones

"What history teaches us is that neither nations nor governments ever learn anything from it." Hegel

Exactly. I have absolutely no patience with anyone who talks about the lessons of history. There are none. I studied history and can vouch for this.

"The only lesson history teaches is that history teaches no lessons." A.J.P. Taylor

The lessons drawn from history and put into practice are always mistaken. For example the lesson we have drawn from the Nazis is that ethnically mixed societies are ipso facto good things rather than ipso facto volatile things.

George W. Bush drew the wrong lessons from World War II by attacking Iraq, as did Eden over Suez, but Eden was very much less wrong than Bush.

Perhaps the difference between drawing the right and wrong lessons is how things turn out after you put the lessons into practice.

As A.J.P. Taylor also said, we learn from the mistakes of the past to make new mistakes in the future.

Sir Max Beerbohm in 1896: 

“'History,' it has been said, 'does not repeat itself. The historians repeat one another.'"

At last some news about Biden. Obama knows he can't win and wants him to leave the race.

It looks like the much maligned Tucker Carlson has scooped the world again.

Happy Canada Day!

Anthony Burgess called Canada the colony that stayed at home to look after mother. 

It was always soulless and boring but instead of being Anglo-French it is now 'the world's first post national nation' according to M. Trudeau.