Monday 15 April 2019

'Trump vs. the Multiculturalist Insurrection'

'Trump vs. the Multiculturalist Insurrection', an article by Conrad, Lord Black is worth reading as his articles always are, especially those about the easily misunderstood President Trump. I quote from it.
"Multiculturalism is bad policy when large groups of immigrants decline to assimilate to their new country. Virtuous and sincere and successful immigration need not mean cultural deracination. But immigration requires a conscious, determined decision to assimilate to the society where the immigrant arrives. The waves of desperate people in the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America who have tried to swarm into Europe and North America more closely resemble, though they are less organized, the barbarian masses who surged into the Western Roman Empire in the fifth and sixth centuries. Then, as now, even fiercer peoples with more advanced weapons pushed them forward from behind. This sort of invasion has nothing to do with multiculturalism by any definition.

"....Technically, this is an insurrection, and historians of the future will be astonished that the United States allowed twenty million people into the country illegally, under administrations and Congresses of both parties, while they uttered pious frauds about seeking “comprehensive immigration reform.”


  1. There is no “Trump vs Multiculturalism” because:

    1. Trump sold out to the Republican donor class which supports multiculturalism, mass immigration and Identity Politics for everyone except whites.

    2. He staffed his Administration entirely with braindead throwbacks to 80s Boomer Conservatism and adopted their legislative agenda and priorities which is uninterested in immigration opposition.

    3. Trump’s position was always “I agree whites should become a minority ... but legally” as opposed to the Democrats’ “Whites must become a minority both legally and illegally.” So when was there ever going to be any opposition to multiculturalism? This is a man who goes out of his way to promote his helping of black and Hispanic communities but never, ever mentions the race that supplies 99.9% of his vote.

  2. Of course whites are not 99.9% of his vote. He got one third of the so called Hispanic vote. A minority of blacks love him. You are right that legal immigrations rules should be rewritten and America takes far too many immigrants, especially one with few skills.
