Wednesday 22 April 2020

Closing borders and the era of globalism

“I am of the opinion that the state border must remain closed for at least another year,” 
said Czech President Milos Zeman on Sunday. 
“Otherwise, foreign travel can lead to a new wave of the epidemic. I think that our citizens could use this situation in order to enjoy the beauties of their own country.”

He is a powerless figurehead and the Czech government is in talks with Austria and Slovakia about re-opening borders. 

Personally I'm sceptical about lockdowns and hope Sweden will prove that they are unnecessary. Banning international travel for a year would be terrible for tourism (which contributes 10% of world GDP) In countries that get lots of foreign tourists (not Romania), but it would be very good in many ways. The lesson of the virus is be rooted, be local.
BUT WE CAN STILL BE TOURISTS in the country in which we live. In my case, Romania is incomparable and I keep telling myself not to leave. Romania is, after Italy, the loveliest country in Europe, but all countries in the world are very beautiful (except Monaco).

In some ways the world in February was a Tower of Babel and this terrible epidemic is a sign.

I don't know how many countries have closed their borders. Romania has not but bans visitors from many EU countries including the UK, Belgium, Austria, Spain, Italy, Eire and Holland.

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