Saturday 25 April 2020

Very important fact to bear in mind about the Coronavirus

I keep remembering that when the Chinese locked down Wuhan in January they deported thousands of foreigners living there. The foreigners were quarantined in their respective countries and tested. Only 0.6% tested positive and many of them had no symptoms.


  1. Be glad that scientists can’t agree on what to do about Covid-19.

    It shows they are ­thinking. When they say they all agree, it shows they’re not.

    Jeremy Clarkson

  2. "Visions of the Daughters of Albion"

    1. About The Author

      I am very conservative (fiscal and social, but occasionally forgiving in the latter case), even-tempered and cultured. I am a gentleman, writer, musician, raconteur and bon vivant who loves the finer things in life, whether wine, women or song, and masculine companionship; also guns, cars and the other things that men will get into fistfights over.

      If there is a phrase to describe me, it’s “hopelessly old-fashioned” — a 1911 man trying to get by in a 21st-century world. My upbringing was strict (boys-only private parochial boarding school which was quite Victorian in its education and rules of conduct). I don’t fear change, but I distrust it profoundly because I am also a student of history.

      I am a gentleman towards women, unless they act very badly. Then I treat them the same way I would treat any other asshole. I love women passionately, but five decades of dealing with them has injected my passion with a healthy dose of cynicism. I will love, respect and treat a woman like a goddess without reservation — until her bullshit gets too much, whereupon I walk away without a second glance, often without warning. I laugh at militant feminism, because I am very aware of its adherents’ inherent weakness.

      I am the most loyal friend anyone can hope for. Unfortunately, I have extremely high standards for friendship so only about a dozen men and a few women have ever earned my loyalty.

      I am not a fearful man, generally because I can take care of myself, whether by word or deed. Also, I carry a gun and am very proficient in its use.

      I am not a violent man, but I have had to inflict violence on others at various times in my life, either because they wanted to kill me or because they were acting like assholes. I did not do this regretfully, but coldly and dispassionately. They had it coming.

      I hate government in almost all its manifestations, but I am absolutely not a libertarian because I acknowledge the primacy of human nature. I loathe socialism, communism, communitarianism, progressivism or whatever cute name those assholes come up with to disguise their disgusting statist philosophy. Generally speaking, I try to keep out of other people’s business and ask only that everyone else stays the hell out of mine.

      Despite this public blog, I am an intensely private person; only about two people in the whole world have ever known everything about me, and one of them is now dead.

      And that’s all I care to share about myself with a bunch of strangers.

      Welcome to my back porch. Please show good manners while you’re here.

      You can reach me here: kim – at – because other than this blog, I have no “social presence” on the Internet.
