Friday 22 March 2024


Interviewer: If you lived in the West Bank or Gaza, what would you do?

Ami Ayalon, former director of Israeli Security Agency Shin Bet: I would fight back, I would do everything in my power to secure my liberation. They know they’re the oppressors, they just don’t care.

Miranda Threlfall-Holmes
I went to a conference on whiteness last autumn. It was very good, very interesting and made me realise: whiteness is to race as patriarchy is to gender. So yes, let’s have anti whiteness, & let’s smash the patriarchy. That’s not anti-white, or anti-men, it’s anti-oppression.
She is the Protestant Archdeaconess of Liverpool. She is married to a man called Phil. I wonder if she agrees with St Paul's words 
'Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord'.

Simon Jenkins today in the Guardian: "Almost half a century of George Kennan’s policy of containment and cohabitation with communism has given way to a shrill new agenda. Not just Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and Syria, but states across Asia and Africa are regularly castigated as tyrannical, terrorist or genocidal. They are made victims of economic aggression through sanctions, distorting global trade and impoverishing millions. There is no evidence this castigation has advanced the cause of democracy an inch – quite the opposite."

Heidegger: “Europe lies in the pincers between Russia and America, which are metaphysically the same in regard to their world-character and their relation to the spirit”


  1. The conflict between liberalism and conservatism has been replaced by the conflict between those who accept total Jewish hegemony over our culture and those who do not. As Holy Week approaches, we need to understand that it is time to take sides. You now must decide whether you are on the side of Jesus Christ, the Logos incarnate, or on the side of those who killed the Logos Incarnate and have been subversive revolutionaries ever since.

    E. Michael Jones

    1. Toma, I just saw this. You surprise me, especially as i remember you beating up some fascist who commented here once. Lots of things are said to be anti-Semitic but are not, but this definitely is. I came across something Jones wrote once and decided he was crazed and therefore a bore. Apparently he blames Jewish people for the US civil rights movement of the 1960s, cultural liberalism, feminism and abortion. Certainly left-wing Jews did play a big role over those things (though an all white, all male Supreme Court, with 8 Protestant and one Catholic justices, legalised abortion in the US and Jews had nothing to do with legalising abortion in the UK) but left-wing non-Jews have the same opinions and there are a lot more of them. Nor were Jews always revolutionaries. The arch reactionary Joseph De Maistre loved Jews for their conservatism. Though this changed after his time and the reactionary extreme right in Israel is more dangerous than anyone else.
      As for total Jewish hegemony in the USA the theory was disproved by the victory of Donald Trump who, though the most philo-Semitic president in US history, was hated and feared by most Jewish opinion formers in the USA,
      We should see that liberalism has morphed fairly recently into something illiberal and is the enemy of Christianity and of civilisation. But the Republicans who want war with Iran for the sake of Israel are equally dreadful.

      As for the links between US liberalism and American Jews this article by an American Jew says that liberalism was a means by which American Jews sought to defend themselves from possible threats. They would see Mr Jones and his like as the chief of those.

    2. E. Michael Jones is an interesting American cultural critic, representing the Traditionalist Catholic POV, more “anti-Jewish” than “antisemitic.” He's not stupid. That being said, I'm certainly not a fan of his plodding prose and I don't like the guy: he's so full of himself!

    3. Anti Semitic means Anti Jewish though it ought to mean Anti all Semites. Mr Justice Gray in his summing up in the David Irving defamation trial said that Jews could be criticised like other people, but although many accusations of antisemitism are groundless (against Labour Members of Parliament in England, for example, who compare things the Israeli Defence Force does to things the Nazis did), this remark of Jones is very anti Semitic. Or in other words very hostile to Jews as a group. And it's not fair.

    4. 'hostile to Jews as a group'

      Exactly: 'as a group' not 'as a race'

    5. 'i remember you beating up some fascist'

      Rather some dumb 'white supremacist' meathead. They were all over the place when the 'alt-right" was made fashionable on the web by the Feds in order to flush them out.

      Don't care much for fascists: too gay for my taste.

    6. I am a very great philo-Semite but the way the British media has become biased towards Israel in recent years is concerning and incredibly annoying. It is part of the phenomenon by which the media have become propaganda much more even than they were (back in the 1980s). Partly it's about CIA and MI6 control. How terrified our rulers are of the internet and free speech.

    7. By the way on Facebook today I happened across a clip of the Republican media star Candace Owens saying everyone in the media knows that if you do not adopt positions that are "radically pro can lose everything". When I went back to copy the link it had been taken down and it was extremely difficult to find
      it anywhere. I finally found it here:

    8. The exact words of Candace Owens: “Every Political Commentator in America knows this… If you do not step out and say things that are radically Pro-Israel… or if you are too quiet on some narratives and they want you to be radically Pro-Israel… you can lose everything.”

    9. Unfortunately quoting Miss Owens gives her the oxygen of publicity.

  2. At the time Heidegger's preferred party took over the government of Germany, Konigsberg was German. The United States Army was smaller than Portugal's, under 200 thousand men. What metaphysical process brought about the change?

    1. There were certain similarities between America and Russia in the 1930s, few now. What is interesting is that after 1945 Europe which had ruled the world for so long was ruled by those two countries. Russia's system did not outlast the end of Communist Russia but Europe becomes more and more Americanised and utterly without the power to determine its own future.

  3. Toma: "Don't care much for fascists: too gay for my taste." Alan Clark, British Conservative MP and diarist: "I am not a fascist. Fascists are shopkeepers, I am a Nazi."

    1. Hitler was gay.
