Sunday 28 January 2024
Thursday 25 January 2024
'Maybe this world is another planet's hell.' Aldous Huxley. I think this world is wonderful but would not were I in Gaza.
Wednesday 24 January 2024
'Genocide Joe has got to go'
Here is the tweet. How odd a time we live in when leftists like Max Blumenthal and Caitlain Johnstone speak the sort of common sense that conservatives should but don't.
Monday 22 January 2024
Peter Hitchens today
'As a small chocolate-smeared child, I was taken on a tour of HMS Victory at Portsmouth, in those distant days still showing quite severe damage from German bombing a few years before. The entire visit was about the bravery and endurance of Nelson and his men. I was allowed to stand on the spot where Nelson fell, shot by a French sniper. I walked among the great black iron guns, imagined myself scurrying about as a powder-monkey, bringing gunpowder to the crew amid the smoke. I was shown the red-painted orlop deck, where the wounded were taken to be sawn up without anaesthetic, amid lakes of gore, by crude surgeons. How I longed to have been there at Trafalgar, at the battle which secured this country's liberty and independence for more than two centuries. But 40 years later, when my own children were old enough to make the same tour, it was all sociological – about flogging, the press gang, and health and safety. I don't think anyone even referred to the great signal 'England Expects…'. All that stuff was too big for the small country we had since become.
'I have been unsurprised since then to watch our armed services turned into politically correct, softened bodies, whose main job seems to be to act as bag carriers for the US and its increasingly odd foreign adventures.'
Friday 19 January 2024
The Mihai Voda church
From Christmas to this week the weather was very mild in Bucharest. Perhaps global warming is true after all. I love urban walking, particularly when I walk past old churches. Bucharest has many but most are hidden, deliberately.
This is the church of St Nicholas, known as the Mihai Voda church, built by Mihai Viteazul in 1591. It contains what is supposedly the saint's hand. Martin Harris when I took him here exclaimed 'Santa Claus's hand!' The church was moved on wheels to avoid demolition when Ceausescu remade the city centre on North Korean lines.
Thursday 18 January 2024
The West is heading into degrowth socialism while China is escaping from it. Europe is in steep decline, accelerated by the euro and the EU.
Wednesday 17 January 2024
Monday 15 January 2024
"The existence of nation states is in itself one of the biggest problems with the European project."
Ulrike Guérot
Sunday 14 January 2024
Straw Bear at Whittlesey today
Today at the annual Straw Bear Festival in Whittlesey in the English fens The custom dates back more than 150 years, but was stopped in 1909 by the local constabulary, which saw the "straw bears" as a form of "cadging" or begging and was revived in 1980. Morris dancers parade through the town. At the end the bear is burnt.
Exclusion like hierarchy is inevitable and praiseworthy
I am sorry if many of these seem sexist. They were not chosen for this reason. Most quotations about women from before 1960 reflect a very different way of thinking from modern progressives. It's the same with many other subjects.
"That in woman which inspires respect and fundamentally fear is her nature, which is more natural than that of man, her genuine, cunning, beast-of-prey suppleness, the tigers claws beneath the glove, the naivety of her egoism, her ineducability and inner savagery, and how incomprehensible, capacious and prowling her desires and virtues are." Nietzsche"You will find that the woman who is really kind to dogs is always one who has failed to inspire sympathy in men." Sir Max Beerbohm
I am ashamed not of the lack of patriotism of Oxford and Cambridge students who disapprove of Remembrance Day, but of their stupidity. The noisy minority were stupid and progressive in my day. They all grow up to be lawyers and doctors but they keep a lot of liberal foolishness and thus do great harm. Oxbridge is to blame for modern Britain. Brexit was an anti-Oxbridge revolt.
Saturday 13 January 2024
Good advice
"In the article I wrote two months ago, before my [prostate cancer] surgery, I mentioned the three principles that, I felt, were essential to happiness: imagine how much worse it could be, rather than how much better; change what you can change, accept what you can’t; and do not let fear rule your life.
Thursday 11 January 2024
Wednesday 10 January 2024
Monday 8 January 2024
“The whole world is not worth one soul.” St. Francis de Sales.
"The sentimentalist preparing the pathway for the brute." Robert Louis Stevenson. This is the history of the this century so far.
Saturday 6 January 2024
Intelligence failures
"Certainly, spies are everywhere, but were they ever any use to anybody? Western intelligence didn't know the Berlin Wall was going up; Soviet agents didn't have a clue it was coming down." Robert Lochner, American journalist in Germany, son of Louis Lochner who was AP correspondent in Berlin until 1941.
A brave spy risked death to tell Stalin that Germany was about to invade Russia. Stalin had him killed. A spy told Roosevelt that Japan was about to attack. Netanyahu was informed beforehand of the Hamas attack and did not prevent it. Whether these were examples of incompetence, inability to accept the truth or occult Machiavellian stratagems Lochner's point is good.
Hitler did say 'Who now remembers the Armenians?'
I discovered by chance today that the “Lochner Version” of the secret address by Hitler to ministers, generals, admirals at Obersalzberg on 22 August 1939 is genuine, according to German historian Norman Domeier.
This means that Hitler used the well known words 'Who now remembers the Armenians?' and ordered a genocide of Poles. (He said nothing in the speech about Jews.)
Friday 5 January 2024
'The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it.' This is inscribed on Karl Marx's grave
Thursday 4 January 2024
Most people now accept that a ceasefire that hardens into peace is best for Ukraine - I used to be much criticised for saying so
When the left disliked George Soros
This is from a profile of him published in the British left-wing magazine The New Statesman in 2003.“The conventional view, shared by many on the left, is that socialism collapsed in eastern Europe because of its systemic weaknesses and the political elite's failure to build popular support. That may be partly true, but Soros's role was crucial. From 1979, he distributed $3m a year to dissidents including Poland's Solidarity movement, Charter 77 in Czechoslovakia and Andrei Sakharov in the Soviet Union. In 1984, he founded his first Open Society Institute in Hungary and pumped millions of dollars into opposition movements and independent media. Ostensibly aimed at building up a "civil society", these initiatives were designed to weaken the existing political structures and pave the way for eastern Europe's eventual colonisation by global capital. Soros now claims, with characteristic immodesty, that he was responsible for the "Americanisation"; of eastern Europe. ...
If I expected the Ukrainian counter-offensive to fail (though I hoped it would succeed) why did these people not?
Because the wish was father to the thought? Or were they whistling in the dark? Or trying to build public support for Ukraine?
A clever, well-informed Lithuanian friend was very confident until the US papers were leaked in April.
Senator Lindsey Graham: “I expect major gains in the coming days and weeks. I think they can expel Russia from Ukraine.” [May 28 Fox News]
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin: “I think Ukraine will have a very good chance of success.” [03/28/23]
National security adviser Jake Sullivan: “We believe that the Ukrainians will meet with success in this counteroffensive.” [06/04/23]
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg: “I’m confident that when Ukraine decides to launch new operations to liberate more land, Ukraine will be successful.” [4/21/23]
Former CIA Director, Gen. David Petraeus: "I personally think that this is going to be really quite successful. .. And [the Russians] are going to have to withdraw under pressure of this Ukrainian offensive, the most difficult possible tactical maneuver, and I don't think they're going to do well at that." [05/23/23] “I think that this counteroffensive is going to be very impressive.” [06/03/23]
Edward Luttwak: “If Kyiv and the West are looking for the most plausible path to victory, this is it.” [05/11/23]
Atlantic Council fellow Richard Hooker: “As we are often told, no plan survives contact with the enemy. There will likely be the occasional tactical miscue or operational hiccup during the coming counteroffensive, but a careful assessment suggests the odds are heavily in favor of Ukraine.” [05/23/23]
Former Chief of the British General Staff, General Richard Dannatt: “after Kyiv's successful counteroffensive, Vladimir Putin ‘may be swept out of the Kremlin.’” [03/28/23]
Paul Massaro, senior policy adviser, the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe: “Full Ukrainian victory is coming. Sooner than you think.” [06/12/23]
Wednesday 3 January 2024
“I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity.” Einstein
"I'm making such a lot of money from articles - £22 since Xmas so I'm saving it up to be married but Evelyn [Waugh] says 'don't save it, dress better and catch a better man. Evelyn is always so full of common sense.'"
American empire
America uses "fighting for democracy" (or human rights) as a means to continue an empire originally built to contain Stalin. The cold war was probably never necessary and not after 1952.
Monday 1 January 2024
Another insane newspaper article
Russia has reacted to American behaviour from 2008 onwards. Putin is not another Napoleon or Hitler.
To paraphrase AJP Taylor talking about Hitler, Putin is a rational though no doubt a wicked statesman.
I wish I thought Donald Tusk was rational, though perhaps he is and is talking nonsense to get money from America.