Tuesday 2 July 2024

Should the BBC and the Times employ this extremist?


David Aaronovitch is a famous English journalist who writes for the Times and is a BBC presenter.

Mr Aaronovitch said the case had "been made" for the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

In 2013, though Aaronovitch had vigorously supported the bombing campaigns against Iraq, Libya and Syria, he became the chairman of the human rights organisation Index on Censorship.

He opposed Brexit. 

He recently wrote this. A propos of which, regular readers know I think Professor John Charmley's case against the UK going to war in 1939 is overwhelmingly convincing. 

I was also against the illegal and unnecessary invasion of Iraq. 

I am in favour of peace most of the time, in fact and want peace in Ukraine as fast as possible, for Ukraine's sake, but I am not sure it is possible any more, thanks to America and England.


  1. Whilst I disagree with Mr. Aaronovitch on most things, he makes a good point about the UnHerd site, which is a fishing expedition that expertly hooks/nets fascists.

  2. “When it comes to anti-fascism in most of Western Europe, there would appear for now to be a supply-and-demand problem: the demand for fascists vastly outstrips the actual supply.”
    Douglas Murray, 'The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam'

  3. And that is why they fish my friend.
