Wednesday 18 December 2019

If women ruled the world

BBC report: 'If women ran every country in the world there would be a general improvement in living standards and outcomes, former US President Barack Obama has said. Speaking in Singapore, he said women aren't perfect, but are "indisputably better" than men.'

Madeline Albright, whom Bill Clinton appointed Secretary of State because she was a woman, disagrees. She said people who think the world would be better if it were run by women have forgotten what it was like at school.


  1. Both Labour and the Liberal Democrats now have more female than male MPs.

  2. Another mean lady is hurting Daddy! -- Barron

  3. Madeline Albright, whom Bill Clinton appointed Secretary of State because she was a woman, disagrees.

    This would be the same Madeline Albright who thought a few hundred thousand dead Iraqi children was no big deal?

    Women are much more ruthless than men. They combine weakness and ruthlessness. That's why women are disastrously bad political leaders.
