Sunday 27 December 2020

Brexit quotations



'Brexit is a great thing from a European perspective. As well as protecting Europe from the vapid trash of Anglo-American culture, it lessens the chance of the disease of PC spreading through the continent, the virus that is relentlessly eating away American, British and Irish cultural and social traditions.'
Karl White
Unfortunately for England, he's right.


Rejoin = 1 Euro 2 Schengen 3 Membership fee with no rebate 4 Giving up control of waters 5 Giving back powers Brexit returned to us 6 Bailing out Italy etc because of Covid 7 Good luck with that Lib Dems SNP 8. We are gone for good

'Adopting an antipodean twang and saying, “Australia is a beautiful country” seemed to be getting Johnson nowhere. He then spoke to von der Leyen in her own tongue: “Viel hummer, kein hammer” (“lots of lobster, no hammer”).
'One of those listening said Johnson also sought to explain the problem with reference to the surreal cartoons in one of Britain’s best-known sketch comedy shows. “We can’t have this Monty Python situation, where we are trapped in the car with a giant hammer outside the gates to clobber us every time we drive out.”
'This was met with silence and then: “OK, thank you, Boris.”
'It was not the first time one of Johnson’s pop culture references had sailed over von der Leyen’s head. A few weeks ago, with the talks then deadlocked over how closely the UK would have to adhere to EU regulations, Johnson told her: “We need to revive this process like that scene in Pulp Fiction, where they stick the adrenaline straight into Uma Thurman’s heart.”
'Von der Leyen replied: “I haven’t seen that film.”
'A Downing Street official said: “She and her team all had to huddle around an iPhone and watch that scene to know what he was talking about.”
'By Monday, more than 4½ years after the EU referendum, these moments seemed to crystallise the gulf separating an EU establishment, whose frames of reference were totally different, from a prime minister they found baffling.'
Tim Shipman in today's Sunday Times
"But the press conferences told the real story of who had won most. Ursula von der Leyen and Michel Barnier looked as if they were delivering memorial speeches at a funeral. Mrs Von der Leyen, who may well have been the quiet heroine of this story, displayed faultless diplomacy in her dignified grief. But the most revealing point in her solemn disquisition was her clear failure, still, to understand what the word “sovereignty” meant. It should be understood, she said, in the twenty-first century to be something more like the EU ideal: solidarity and harmony between partners. But that, of course, is not what it means."
Janet Daley in the Daily Telegraph on Christmas Eve
"I voted for the principle of national sovereignty and I expect to suffer for this choice. You do know there have been actual *wars* of independence, don't you? It will not be easily won. A lot of Remainers seem to be saying that they are *not* prepared to suffer for the principle of national sovereignty and that if we suffer just one jot of inconvenience or anxiety, we should have remained."
Bunny Sheffield

“England has saved itself by her firmness; I trust it will save Europe by her example." William Pitt the Younger after Trafalgar

1 comment:

  1. Have all Anglo Saxon cultures gonr overboard with PC culture (including Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, etc), or just the US, Canada, and the UK? If this is a universal Anglo Saxon trend, why do you think that is? It goes against the calculated, logical, and frankly intelligent spirit of this culture - why would it have caught on so much? Is it Kipling's white man's burden, or a sense of noblesse oblige? Is it a Victorian polite deference toward the weaker ones in society (such as women and children initially) taken to an extreme? Is it the mass adoption of communist intellectuals fleeing from Central Europe and the Pale of Settlement? Where is this all coming from?
