Friday 8 March 2024

Macron the Jacobin

"Today’s not the end of the story, it’s the beginning of a combat. If France has become the only country in the world whose constitution explicitly protects the right to an abortion in all circumstances, we will not rest until this promise is kept throughout the world. We will wage this battle on our continent, in our Europe, where reactionary forces first and always attack women’s rights, before going on to attack the rights of minorities, of all the oppressed, of all freedoms.”

Macron on 8 March 2024.

"We are convinced that Russia’s defeat is essential for the security and stability of Europe… Europe is at stake."

Macron on 26 February 2024

Charles De Gaulle was a Catholic who believed passionately in France, usually took a foreign policy distinct from that of America and the United Kingdom, in order to preserve France's identity wanted no more than a few Muslim immigrants and during the war talked to the Comte de Orleans about restoring the monarchy. Macron, on the other hand, represents the universalist, anti-Christian spirit of the French Revolution. I wonder if De Gaulle were he alive today would support the Gaullist leader agreeing to collaborate with Marine Le pen.

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