Monday 29 July 2024

It WAS intended as a parody of the Last Supper.


I was wrong it seems and the controversial scene in the Paris Olympics opening ceremony was intended as a parody of the Last Supper. 

Even if it were not so it is a very odd beginning to games which are intended to be about health and strength. 

The original Olympics were about manliness and so was the first modern Olympic Games in 1896 but the next one in 1900 had women taking part. Some say women were banned from the sacred precinct where the ancient games took place but Pausinias wrote that virgins could view the competitions, but married women had to remain on the south side of the river Alpheus.

Those early games had no opening ceremonies and perhaps as well.

The participants in the original Olympics were completely relaxed about homosexuality, of course, and drag was an essential part of the Athenian drama because, as in Elizabeth I's reign,
 only men were allowed to act.

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