Saturday 9 October 2021

The death of the white hart


 Sky news:

White stag shot dead by police after running wild around Merseyside streets

Police said the animal could not be left to find its own way to safety because it was becoming distressed and creating danger for motorists and members of the public.

"O my white hart, me repenteth that thou art dead, for my sovereign lady gave thee to me, and evil have I kept thee, and thy death shall be dear bought an I live." ― Ablamar
The hart was given to Ablamar by his lady.
The hart was chased by many hounds and was seen by two brothers. They understood it was adventure made for the feast of King Arthur and Sorlouse thought to hunt it to win his favor, but Brian said that he would do it instead as he was a better knight, started debating and started fighting to prove who is the better knight.
At the feast of King Arthur's wedding to Guenever at Camelot, Merlin told the knights of the Round Table to sit still to see a strange and marvellous adventure. Then came running in a white hart into the hall, and a white brachet and 60 of black running hounds. The hart ran around the Table Round as he went by other boards. The white brachet bit him by the buttock pulling out a piece, then the hart lept long and overthrew Sir Abelleus, who rose and left with the brachet. Apparently the hart ran away and Merlin said to Arthur to send Sir Gawaine to bring it.
Gawaine and Gaheris encountered the fighting brothers, then by the cry of the hounds he followed the hart before a great river, and the hart swam over. Then one knight, Allardin, told him to not come after it and challenged him to a joust, but Gawaine defeated him.
The brothers rode fastly after the hart and let 5 greyhounds that chased it into Ablamar's castle where they slew it at its chief place. Then Ablamar came with a sword killing 2 hounds and chasing away the others, and mourned for the death of the hart and promised to avenge its death. He armed himself and attacked Gawaine but he was defeated. In the process Gawaine killed by accident his lady.
Then more knights attacked and defeated the brothers. The next day, as Gawaine was nephew of Arthur and on a quest, they let him leave to take the hart's head to Camelot, but also the body of the lady he killed.
Sir Thomas Malory, Morte d'Arthur.

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