Tuesday 5 May 2020

Has Sweden already won the argument about lockdowns?

I don't know or read Zerohedge, though I know the name. It apparently was banned from Twitter recently, sympathises with the Kremlin and with the Arabs in the Arab-Israeli struggle, which might make it left-wing but apparently makes it right-wing. The two are hard to distinguish, to be fair. 

Anyway, this graph is striking and appeared in an article in Zerohedge under the  headline Why Sweden Has Already Won The Debate On COVID-19 "Lockdown" Policy. (I think Sweden probably has, by now. Deaths in Sweden so far this year are no more than for the same weeks in recent years.)
In fact, if you plug in Sweden’s actual data into Neil Ferguson’s own infamous computer model which sent the UK government into mass-panic mode, here’s what you would get:

Image may contain: possible text that says 'SWEDEN IS GETTING IT RIGHT An estimate for what the Imperial college model would have predicted for Sweden, under "do nothing" and "moderate scenarios", compared to Sweden's actual daily deaths per 100,000 population Do Nothing Moderate Actual'

1 comment:

  1. https://www.businessinsider.com/coronavirus-sweden-lockdown-chief-says-high-death-toll-was-surprise-2020-5
