"If we disagree with the Americans on a serious issue, they put intelligence material on the table, compromising for Germany, and they say: 'Either you co-operate or you are finished." Professor Werner Weidenfeld, who from 1987 to 1999 was the German government's coordinator for German-American cooperation.
Tuesday, 29 June 2021
"Countries don’t have values, they have characteristics"
"If we disagree with the Americans on a serious issue, they put intelligence material on the table, compromising for Germany, and they say: 'Either you co-operate or you are finished." Professor Werner Weidenfeld, who from 1987 to 1999 was the German government's coordinator for German-American cooperation.
Monday, 28 June 2021
Sleepy Joe
I missed these stories. Did you?
This month Joe Biden called Vladimir Putin “President Trump” and in March called his own Vice President “President Harris”. At the G7 in Cornwall he mixed up Syria and Libya, Covid and Covax, and jokingly reprimanded Boris Johnson for not introducing the President of South Africa when Boris had just done so seconds before.
Sunday, 27 June 2021
Why war in 1939?
He is a very good historian who makes the points, still not widely enough understood by the public, that Hitler did not want war with England and France or world domination.
Professor Overy says near the beginning of his lecture that Hitler in late 1938 did not expect war with Poland.
But was it so very sensible of them?
Wednesday, 23 June 2021
Charles Fitzpatrick plucks the day in his caravan, parked in Castle Haven, West Cork
"Happy the man, and happy he alone,
He who can call today his own:
He who, secure within, can say,
Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today.
The joys I have possessed, in spite of fate, are mine.
Not Heaven itself, upon the past has pow'r,
But what has been, has been, and I have had my hour.”
Dryden translating Horace
Monday, 21 June 2021
1991 starts to look like the Edwardian age
My life changed forever that summer – and it seems very recent. And I didn’t see Thelma and Louise or really understand the spirit of the age then, though much more so than I do now.
Transgender rights were something I did not hear about for another quarter of a century. Single sex marriage came as a complete shock in 2005 when Catholic Spain instituted it, though unbeknown to me the Dutch had done so previously.
Eva Weggelaar RIP
A beautiful young Dutch poetess (the word she preferred) who was my friend, Eva Weggelaar, died almost two years ago of a cruel disease not long after she published her first book.
She was very pessimistic about the future of the West.
She said many wise things to me. I remember: 'I want to go back to the real world but it no longer exists.'
Sunday, 20 June 2021
Here we are, trapped in the amber of the moment
In 2016 it become obvious that many on the British left really do dislike their country and democracy. They actually said so. After such knowledge what forgiveness?
...the British intelligentsia has hated the country for at least two centuries, to the extent of supporting opponents far more sinister than the EU.
Yet while such disdain was once confined to small literary circles, today its association with education and high status has allowed it to mimetically spread through the institutions. Today even august bodies like the National Trust are dominated by people who find patriotism just a bit distasteful, and would be horrified to promote it.
...Explaining why he found Radio 4 so irritating, the novelist Tim Lott once explained that the liberal middle class “is the voice of the upper echelons of the BBC” and they are in conflict with Middle Englanders, “essentially people with nice homes and decent incomes and a commitment to abiding by the law and even a sense of patriotism. The LMC see them as retrograde and primitive – those damn Daily Mail readers.”
Saturday, 19 June 2021
8 or 9 false allegations against Donald Trump
The “Russian bounties” story, of which Joe Biden made much, was fake news, vaccines were produced in record time, schools should not have been closed. Did lockdowns work? I’d agree with the Donald that they didn’t and everyone will agree with us in time.
Prince William threw Prince Harry out
I am not a psychologist and cannot diagnose her as a malignant narcissist. As she is very litigious, nobody would be wise to do so.
Tuesday, 15 June 2021
"What is a man but his old stories?"
"Who controls the past, controls the future: who controls the present, controls the past." George Orwell, 1984
Susan Michie shows that lockdowns, climate alarmism and communism fit together
"And the third thing is people’s behaviour. That is, the behaviour of social distancing, of… making sure there’s good ventilation, or if there’s not, wearing face masks, and [keeping up] hand and surface hygiene. We will need to keep these going in the long term, and that will be good not only for Covid but also to reduce other [diseases] at a time when the NHS is [struggling]… I think forever, to some extent…"
Sunday, 13 June 2021
Mazzini and a united Europe
I started Denis Mack Smith's biography of Mazzini, a man of whom I knew shamefully little, last night. These are just disjointed quick thoughts.
As early as 1836 Mazzini used the word nationalist in a pejorative sense to denote chauvinists, xenophobes and imperialists. He thought himself not a nationalist but a patriot and patriotism should serve the wider interests of humanity. "The brotherhood of peoples which is our overriding aim" .
Less than 5 percent of inhabitants of Italy in the 1840s spoke Italian which is a fraction of the numbers in Transylvania, Wallachia or Moldavia who spoke Romanian or inhabitants of Hungary who spoke Hungarian.
Historical traditions and sense of community were what mattered, not languaage, Mazzini thought. I am not sure what he thought about Italians as an ethnos.
Saturday, 12 June 2021
Weekend in Turin
I am waiting for the Wizzair plane to take off and take me to Turin and steel myself for lots of propaganda about the unification of Italy being a good thing. Of course it was an utter disaster. Strange how some nationalists like Garibaldi, Cavour, Gandhi, Lincoln, Kenyatta etc are considered good things but most are for some reason considered bad. What idiotic and often malign ideas the people who rule us subscribe to.
Small is usually beautiful but some unions work. France, Spain and Great Britain do. The union of Great Britain with Ireland would have worked had Ireland been given Home Rule. Italy and Germany have not and Europe would be very much worse.
Tuesday, 8 June 2021
Rod Dreher in Bucharest
Rod Dreher's ideas are very similar to mine and I too want to write to explain to Romanians how much they have here that they are in danger of losing because of the influence of the West.
"The peoples of this part of the world looked to the West for hope and direction when they suffered under Communist dictatorship. They still hold the West in high esteem. Yet they also experience a great deal of Western arrogance, mostly from western Europeans, but also Americans — liberal elites who treat them like primitive children who need to be taught how to be proper moderns. Perhaps the main source today of Western contempt has to do with the natural conservatism in this part of the world vis-à-vis LGBT rights. Billionaire George Soros, among others, has poured money into countries like Romania via his NGOs to try to undermine traditions on the family, and religious authority. I had heard on my first night in Romania, and in various conversations throughout the day, that political elites in Bucharest routinely mock social and religious conservatives, in particular over their views on family and sexuality.
Monday, 7 June 2021
Michel Houellebecq: The world will be just the same after the banal virus - just a bit worse
Emmanuel Carrère (Paris-Royan; he seems to have found a valid reason to travel). Will interesting books be written inspired by this period, he wonders.I wonder too. I really asked myself the question, but deep down I don't think so. We have had a lot of things about the plague, over the centuries, the plague has interested writers a lot. I have doubts. I don't believe for half a second in statements like "nothing will ever be the same again". On the contrary, everything will remain exactly the same. The course of this epidemic is even remarkably normal.
The West is not for eternity, by divine right, the richest and most developed area in the world; it's all over, for some time now, it's not a scoop.
...The main result of the coronavirus, on the other hand, is to accelerate certain ongoing mutations. For quite a few years, all technological developments, whether minor (video on demand, contactless payment) or major (teleworking, Internet shopping, social networks) have mainly been consequence (for main objective?) to decrease the material contacts, and especially human. The coronavirus epidemic offers a
Sunday, 6 June 2021
Seriousness is the only refuge of the shallow
“There was never any lockdown – there were just middle-class people hiding, while working-class people brought them things.”
JJ Charlesworth, quoted without naming him by Julie Birchall
Saturday, 5 June 2021
St Athanasius was one of the six most important men in history
Had Arius defeated St Athanasius in their disputes and the Arian heresy been adopted by the Catholic Church, the world thereafter would have been very different.
Lockdown scepticism and IQ
“It is about what we have done to liberal democracy all over the world. We used to have civil rights. They were irrevocable. Now, they are revocable.
Friday, 4 June 2021
The decline of Europe is impossible to ignore now
Just two decades ago, America was reeling from the dotcom crash, China was struggling with its Maoist past and Europe, with its new currency and a burgeoning single market, seemed on the threshold of something spectacular. Today America and, increasingly, China are ascendant, accounting for 76 of the world’s 100 most valuable firms. Europe’s tally has fallen from 41 in 2000 to 15. Of the 19 firms created in the past 25 years that are now worth over $100bn, nine are in America and eight in China. Europe has none.
The Common Market, the Single Market and the Euro have not made Europe more powerful or richer in comparison to the other rich parts of the world. The Euro has had the opposite effect in spades, though it has made Germany richer. I read yesterday an article by an economic analyst comparing the EU with deflationary Japan which said
'The shocking truth is Europe may actually be in much worse shape than Japan ever was.'
I have no idea if this is true in economic terms but we should start to think of European decline as comparable with the decline of Japan.
For certain, Japan is doing much better in general than Europe.
She governs herself, has her own currency, a thriving manufacturing sector, far fewer graduates than Europe, because of her pacifist constitution she avoids liberal wars for values (much more even than in Europe her defence is outsourced to America), has enormous social cohesion, very low crime rates, is nativist and therefore does not deal with the political consequences of mass migrations.
She avoided the 1960s social revolution and is free from political correctness and Woke, which are the continuation of the 1960s revolution. These social movements are ultimately distortions of Christianity.
Modern civilisation is a universal conspiracy to destroy the inner life
"...the only problem that concerns you is how to get your carcase conveyed from one place to another at a speed faster than lightning. Fools! Who are you running away from? Alas! you are running away from yourselves—everyone of you is trying to escape from himself, as though he believed that by faster and faster flight he could, at last, get out of the close sheath of his skin… One cannot understand the least thing about modern civilisation if one does not first and foremost realise that it is a universal conspiracy to destroy the inner life."Georges Bernanos (1888-1948) in his 1944 essay La France contre les Robots. (He was a Catholic and monarchist who supported the Free French and De Gaulle during the war from the safety of his voluntary exile in Argentina, in case you wondered about his war record.)
Thursday, 3 June 2021
The Decline of the West
"China’s admission into the World Trade Organisation in 2001 can best be understood in the context of the West’s confidence that history was coming to an end after the fall of the Berlin Wall."
James Forsyth
Tony Blair, interviewed on ITV's Good Morning Britain, May 11 2021
"He was one of those rare people who had found a philosophy for himself and whose life was occupied in trying to live it"
Lawrence Durrell on Baltazar in the eponymous novel.
Wednesday, 2 June 2021
Victory in 1945
"The victors were the Soviet Union and the United States (also England, France and Nationalist China, but they were weak). Both these countries now went to work – without swastikas, goose-stepping, or officially declared racism, but under the cover of 'socialism' on the one side, and 'democracy' on the other, to carve out their own empires of influence. They proceeded to share and contest with one another the domination of the world, to build military machines far greater than the Fascist countries had built, to control the destinies of more countries than Hitler, Mussolini, and Japan had been able to. They also acted to control their own populations, each country with its own techniques – crude in the Soviet Union, sophisticated in the United States – to make their rule secure."