Saturday 11 September 2021

If only Gore had won in 2000


If only the hanging chads had hung the other way and Al Gore been US President on September 11 2001. 

If you think about it, Ralph Nader is responsible for most of the terrible things that happened in the last twenty years, by siphoning off left-wing votes. 

Donald Trump would presumably have been very much better than George W Bush. 

Ross Perot or Pat Buchanan would probably have been best of all.

I am speaking in platitudes. Everyone knows this. 

Even the Bush family must know it.

Americans today are saying "Never forget". But what should they never forget? 

They should never forget that invading other countries without just cause has been disastrous and that the way the US sought revenge for September 11 did them far, far more harm than the attacks themselves, not to mention the harm to other countries. But again platitudes. I am bored typing this.

They would have done much better to have saved money, cut taxes and erected a wall to keep out illegal immigrants. 

Instead their southern border is almost open.

To change the subject, the Taliban have painted over a mural of George Floyd and replaced it with victory slogans.


  1. "They should never forget that invading other countries without just cause."

    This coming from some sort of limey?

    Cetawayo unavailable for comment. Bartle Frere?

    Shall I go on?

    1. Touché! I completely agree that the first and second Boer wars were unjust on our part. Rhodes is partly to blame. But conquering a quarter of the world was a glorious achievement. Americans should be grateful and I suspect you are one. I admire Rhodes despite his sins.

    2. "Americans should be grateful.]" Typical limey arrogance.

      I'm heartily glad we threw your butts out when we did. Only a limey could have screwed up that relationship for decades.


      I suppose I should be grateful for your starving my folks out of Ireland or they would never have come to the USA.

    3. Half my family on both my mother's and father's side are Irish Catholic. My Irish forebears emigrated to England thankfully.

    4. "Shall I go on?"
      Yes, please do.
      Some material to assist you here:

    5. Touche!
      The idea the USA hates colonialism is very funny.
      And his country would not exist were it not for English/British colonialism.

  2. Gore was in the pocket of the same neocons that GWB was. The only difference is he might have found it a little harder to squelch the doubters and bring conservatives aboard.

    1. That is true. I just assume he would not be so insane as to invade Iraq but perhaps the Neo-cons would have persuaded him as they did Bush 2. Bush 2 saw through them and would have done a much better job.

    2. Bush was preoccupied by Saddam from the moment the court declared he had won and I suspect ignored Al Qaeda. Gore I imagine would have been much better.

    3. Now in his appalling speech and today he is comparing the perpetrators of September 11 with right wing extremists and white nationalists. This appalling man has no shame.

    4. Now in his appalling speech today he is comparing the perpetrators of September 11 with right wing extremists and white nationalists. This appalling man has no shame.
