Monday 9 October 2023



Why can't England declare independence from America as we did from Europe?


  1. Because they wouldn't know what to do with it. See "Brexit".

    1. But we should do nothing - trade with the world and ally with nobody.

    2. The US is the UK's largest single trading partner, accounting for 16.3% of UK trade.
      The United Kingdom has, so far, failed to sign a free trade agreement with the United States.
      Sunak said a free trade agreement was no longer "a priority" for either side. Meanwhile, the UK has also adopted a state-level approach in the US and has signed memorandums of understanding with three US states: Indiana, North Carolina and South Carolina. Be done with all fifty by the end of the century.

      The UK is the single largest European investor in the US, worth half a trillion dollars in 2019. UK firms employ 1.3 million Americans. See how 'free trade' works nowadays? If you want to sell your goods, you'll have to move the production facilities there... Same with China.

      On the other hand, they do have a free trade agreement with Ukraine: selling a bunch of Dysons and Range Rovers, I bet.
