Tuesday 31 October 2023

'Carthago delenda est.' The future looks very bad for the inhabitants of Gaza (and for Israel too)

"Carthago delenda est." Cato the Elder
“What they are doing in Gaza is absolutely sickening.” John Mearsheimer

Nine days ago Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, a spokesman for the Israeli military, said that “the emphasis is on damage and not on accuracy.” 

An unnamed Israeli official told local media that Gaza would be reduced to a “city of tents” by the end of the campaign. 

Israeli officials were quoted by the Associated Press as likening the fate of Gaza to the British bombing of Dresden. AP then took this down, without explanation.

I think about 10,000 civilians have been killed by Russia in Ukraine since February last year. 8,000 Gazans have been killed in Gazan in the last three weeks but nobody knows how many were Hamas activists or combatants.

Here is an interesting interview with John Mearsheimer who explains that Israel is in a lose-lose position. She cannot extirpate Hamas from Gaza without such large numbers of dead civilians as will make world opinion force them to stop - and if they do destroy Hamas other people would take Hamas's place. 

The only solution in Israel's and US interests is a two state solution but this is not possible because of the settlers in the West Bank.

The Arab states knew in 1948 that they could not defeat Israel but invaded because their public opinion required it. What a tragedy that the Arabs did not sit on their hands and keep Israel to the boundaries assigned by the UN.

I wish I had visited Gaza when I was in Israel. I thought of it. I don't buy the idea that before this month it was a concentration camp, except possibly in the British Boer War sense. I remember a big shiny mall opening there years ago. Distrust the pro and anti Israeli narratives.

But the word holocaust simply means a sacrifice in which the victim is burnt. That describes Gaza today.

I suppose it can be  described as a murderous concentration camp too as Egypt and Israel have sealed the borders.

The Americans are going to lose in Ukraine and, like the Israelis and Arabs, are in big trouble in Palestine.


  1. Boundaries assigned by the US? You fascinate me. The Sykes plan wasn't drawn up in Washington.

    1. Sorry for my typo. I corrected US to UN. Yes England is responsible for the whole problem -though had Turkey not declared war on us in 1914 Turkey would be a rich country and the Middle East would be at peace.
