Tuesday 14 January 2020

The decline and fall of the English high street

'Woman is born free but is everywhere in chain stores.'
This is the line to a Spectator cartoon of thirty years ago - would it be considered sexist now?

The British High Street is dying. All the time the papers cover stories about famous retail chains going bust. It saddens me that people are now going to shopping centres instead, but they are terribly convenient. 

It does not sadden me that the chains are dying. Let them die. They made every high street in England the same street. Now they make every shopping centre the same too, I suppose. 

The same thing is happening around Western and Eastern Europe. It happened in North America long ago. How drearily undiverse the world has become. Not just shopping but life in general. Go to Rome and Lisbon for small family shops and businesses, while they last there.

Let's see if high streets can still serve a purpose, beyond places for retired and unemployed people to saunter. I revisited my home town, Southend-on-Sea, last summer and found that most of the very few people in the formerly thronged High St were over seventy.

If people still want to go in large numbers to the centre of towns they will. It depends partly on whether they want to meet other people, mostly people who work in shops. If not, they can become residential streets, variegated with restaurants and pubs.

But pubs are dying too, because of the smoking ban, high taxes and the feminisation of society. Pubs used to be very male places. It is in the interests of the state that people do not go to pubs, where they may pick up diverse and possibly dangerous political ideas. Much better that they stay home and watch propaganda on television.

P.S. I hate shopping except for (preferably second-hand) books and in Jermyn St. Second-hand bookshops are not censored yet, but Jermyn St has become democratic. It was once about hierarchy and the class system. 


  1. All the time the papers cover stories about famous retail chains going bust. It saddens me that people are now going to shopping centres instead, but they are terribly convenient.

    I suspect it's competition from online shopping rather than malls. Malls are just about hanging on but the competition from online shopping is too much for High Street shops.

    Within another ten years the malls will be gone too. The only shops that might survive for a while are boutiques - the feminine desire to visit dress shops is pretty strong!

    The great thing is we'll be able to do all our shopping without ever leaving the house or setting eyes on another human being. Won't that be wonderful? We'll have the perfect capitalist world - we'll be able to continue to consume without ever leaving the couch. Atomised individuals mindlessly consuming, with zero social contact.

    Even Aldous Huxley didn't think Brave New World would be quite this bad.

    1. Yes I was delighted when a property developer told me over dinner that 'malls' (dread word as Wallace Arnold would say) as they are called in Romania are doomed. Will it be as soon as in ten years?

      I remember my horror at seeing my first in Toronto forty years ago and then my second driving past in England in the late 1980s. They will make romantic ruins perhaps, or perhaps not.

      I was told that people now shop instead of watching television. This is very strange and deeply depressing.

      But people complain a bit too much. Life will continue to be beautiful despite online shopping. Shopping and materialism always depressed me but they now seem small beer compared to many much more pressing problems.

    2. 'I was told that people now shop instead of watching television.'

      It could be worse: shopping while watching television.

    3. shopping and materialism always depressed me but they now seem small beer compared to many much more pressing problems.

      The transformation of people into units of production and units of consumption is the root cause of every other problem we face. The objective was to destroy any sense of community or class or religious identity so that corporate profits could go on rising forever. All genuine sense of identity was to be replaced by fake identities - racial and sexual. Because these identities are not based on a sense of community or a shared purpose or a shared heritage they make these fake identity groups easy to manipulate. They make people feel even more alienated but there's a cure for alienation - shopping.

      I shop therefore I am.

      Everything else - feminism, the homosexual agenda, the Sexual Revolution, political correctness, racial grievances - has been manufactured to serve the aim of corporate profits.

      So as weird as it sounds malls really are a symbol of oppression. Online shopping is worse. One world, one culture, one market. Huxley would have understood.

    4. I coined the phrase dark, Satanic malls. You seem to think they are literally Satanic. They are not dark, of course, but well lit.

    5. I get feminism being manufactured by big business but the Sexual Revolution, political correctness or racial grievances - please explain. You mean they are all caused by affluence which gives rise to excessive individualism? I don't get you.

    6. And did the Countenance Divine,
      Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
      And was Jerusalem builded here,
      Among these bright Satanic Malls?

    7. I get feminism being manufactured by big business but the Sexual Revolution, political correctness or racial grievances - please explain. You mean they are all caused by affluence which gives rise to excessive individualism? I don't get you.

      No, they're not caused by affluence,. They were deliberately engineered. They serve the interests of Big Capital. The Sexual Revolution and Gay Liberation helped to destroy the family. The family is an obstacle to capitalism. It gives people a focus of loyalty to something other than material consumption. The family also encourages long-term thinking. To Big Capital these are very bad things indeed. The Sexual Revolution and Gay Liberation turned people into units of consumption, existing merely in order to consume. .

      We have only two social duties - to be doclle worker drones and to buy consumer goods. Automation will soon make the first duty irrelevant so that our only social duty will be to buy consumer goods. Homosexuals and sexual libertines are perfect consumers, with zero capacity for anything other than immediate gratification. Immediate gratification is achieved by shopping.

      Political correctness and racial grievances keep us demoralised and divided. They are essential to prevent the re-emergence of the Economic Left. They are also essential to prevent the re-emergence of any sense of local or community identity, any sense of religious identity, any sense of national identity, and any sense of family identity. Atomised demoralised individuals make good consumers.

  2. While women shop for clothes, men spend a lot of computer time looking at pictures of women without any.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. Sorry, but I did not want you to hurt Caroline's feelings. I value her highly intelligent comments. You were rude, you know.

    3. 'I value her highly intelligent comments'

      I bet.

  3. Oh, Toma, relax. And thank you, Paul.

    High Streets and malls are struggling because of online shopping. The once-bustling retail corridor near me is now struggling. I try not to shop online -- I like to see or try on the goods I am buying, and also to support local businesses.

  4. There is now a movement toward minimalism and reduced shopping. Millennials and younger people are at the forefront of this countertrend. I suppose there might be a way to blame homosexuals and feminists for it if you really wracked your brain.

    1. If this is true I rejoice. It is probably because people now have the things they need. I loathe materialism in all its senses, secularism, Hollywood ideology, egalitarianism, post 1960 feminism.

    2. Feminists can be blamed for a lot of things. When did I blame homosexuals for something?

    3. I think I have been a minimalist avant la lettre except for books.... which don't count .... and my burgeoning number of ties, shirts and suits. Perhaps I am ceasing to be minimalist and becoming corrupt.

  5. It was the glowering Toma who blamed The Gays....

    1. Romanians are very religious and conservative, but homosexual acts seem to be the sexual sin that shocks them most, though they are coming to accept it because the EU wants them to. At any rate, Bucharest is Babylon when it comes to heterosexual sins.

    2. Toma, to whom I'm grateful for his many fascinating quotations, quoted a funny but very macabre passage from Taki's Magazine about a horrible murder involving Greek love. I suppose homosexuals who are HIV+ and continue to sodomise are to blame for spreading the disease. Yet smoking attracts more stigma in England. Not so here.
