Monday 30 July 2018

Romanians with net worth over $50 million in 2017


I post this simply to show how very rich Romanians compare with the super-rich elsewhere.

US: 38,500

China: 13,940

Japan: 9,960

Germany: 8,070

Canada: 5,500

France: 5,240 

UK: 4,580

Italy: 3,150

India: 2,920

Russia: 2,620

South Korea: 2,610

Brazil: 2,390

Saudi: 1,540

Mexico: 570

Romania: 240

(Knight Frank’s Wealth Report)


  1. I remember a TV game show years ago when the grand prize was a washing machine the size of a biscuit box.

  2. And here's the same data but divided by the population size in millions:

    Canada: 148.38
    USA: 118.2
    Germany: 97.46
    Japan: 79.62
    France: 78
    UK: 69.35
    Italy: 52.08
    South Korea: 50.73
    Saudi Arabia: 46.66
    Russia: 18.12
    Romania: 12.22
    Brasil: 11.42
    China: 9.93
    Mexico: 4.6
    India: 2.2
