Wednesday 28 June 2023

Alison Pearson in the Telegraph today is a beast but a just beast about the Duchess of Sussex


'According to the Wall Street Journal, Taylor Swift got an aide to reject an invitation to appear on Archetypes, calligraphed in Meghan’s own fair hand. Who knows, maybe Taylor, who made her first recording aged 15 and is now worth the best part of $1 billion, didn’t feel it was appropriate for her to bitch with marry-into-a-fortune Meghan about “the labels that hold women back”.

'An author, also invited to be a guest on Meghan’s podcast, said that when she arrived she was interviewed by a producer. She didn’t speak to Meghan; never even met her. Allegedly, the recording was then “edited” with the Duchess’s voice spliced in to pretend she had carried out the interview herself. How rude, how utterly lacking in class. Apparently, this experience was not unusual. Meghan would only have “conversations” with the most famous guests.

'Well, what do you expect from a woman who, during a royal tour of Australia, is said to have moaned, “I can’t believe I’m not getting paid for this.” (All the poor thing got was a £32 million wedding and an ancient title to flex like a Platinum Reserve card.)


  1. 'Add to that the rumoured “brainstorming” session with Harry in which the Duke suggested he should interview big names like Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump to talk about their childhood traumas and the effect it had on their mental health. Thereby improving “world peace”. Of course, this presumes that Prince Harry has a brain to storm in the first place.' Oh dear, he is indeed very stupid, like his Uncle Andrew and like his great-grandfather King George VI.

  2. Since when are rumours and assumptions just?? By your standards perhaps.

    1. These things are reported in the newspapers but newspapers are very unreliable. Still anonymous testimonies are one step above rumours.

    2. The first paragraph is just an assumption, not even an anonymous testimony....and alleged anonymous testimonies are the same as rumours.

    3. The second sentence is speculation and the reason I thought the passage deserved to be quoted.
