Wednesday 28 June 2023

'The madness of tomorrow is not in Moscow, but much more in Manhattan.' G. K. Chesterton


Chesterton was right back in the time of Stalin. He would certainly think his sentence is even more true now in the age of Biden and Putin and he would be right.



    According to liberal theory, or we might say hippie theory, nakedness is neither here nor there, and we should all just “get over” it. But if it is normalized for all age groups, including children, the effect is that no alarm bells go off for children when paedophiles get naked around them with unlawful mischief in mind.

    It does bother me that the plod was standing around doing nothing. They have clearly been indoctrinated into believing that sexual deviants now have a kind of sacred cow status and are above the law.

  2. I live in Manhattan. It is possible to conduct a low-key and reasonable life here.
