Tuesday, 13 June 2023



The electoral system rather than the guile of the establishment prevents a figure like Mrs Meloni or Nigel Farage coming to power in England - but populists have ruled Scotland for sixteen years. 

I used to think proporČ›ional representation would be undemocratic and mean the bipartisan consensus never changing - but in the age of populists it might make politics more democratic, by which I mean more populist. 

The American populists in the late 19th century were a radical party that represented the poor in the countryside, but nowadays populists are, as far as I can define the word, politicians who propose to do things the people want. 

By that definition Jeremy Corbyn tried but was a failed populist. Trump and Macron were successes, though Macron had the backing of the French deep state which made it easier. Pope Francis is also a populist. I am not sure how to measure his success.


  1. Do you have any evidence of the 'deep state'? Or are you just parroting conspiracy sites and the outright lies of Trump?

  2. Macron did not really need the deep state. He is an attractive young man and lucky in his opponent’s disadvantages — Marine Le Pen is a back number, not very bright, and France is reluctant to elect a woman to any position of major power.
