Friday 22 February 2019

The centre cannot hold? It seems to be holding very well to me

Jeremy Warner today said it well. 
'Beyond wanting to reverse Brexit and spend a bit more of our money, it is not obvious what the Independent Group offers by way of novelty.' 
They offer nothing new, obviously. Reheated is the word. 

And yet a lot of Labour voters, most, would prefer a moderate left-wing party to one led by Trotskyites.

There are, it is often not understood, a sizeable number of extreme left-wing voters in Britain (there are a lot fewer extreme right-wing voters) but many of them do not like Mr Corbyn at the moment, because he is not offering a second referendum. Most Labour voters, however, have nothing in common with the leftists who joined the party by paying £3

A shame that the Independent Group is passionately Remain, because Britain needs another sort of new party altogether that can appeal to Labour Leave voters, (Nigel Farage's new one?), but it has no choice as many of its members were to have been deselected and would not fight the next election. And even though they are globalists and sign up to the Blairite agenda, including regulations, taxes, mass immigration and liberal wars, they are  better than the far left Corbynites, who also favour mass immigration.

What is clear is that under David Cameron, but much more so under Theresa May, the Tories have become mildly left-of-centre social liberals. Britain had three social democratic parties like Germany does - until Jeremy Corbyn and AfD came along. 

And the difference is that AfD is treated like a pariah while Mr Corbyn could become Prime Minister. 

The Brexit vote has exploded a bomb under the Blairite consensus in the Tory party to a slight extent, but only slightly. The modernising agenda is still there, but postponed while we think only about Brexit.

Would a Tory Jeremy Corbyn be a useful thing? I suppose not, because a right-wing Corbyn would not be an inventive or creative palaeo-conservative or a British Trump, but a fascist. Not a single Tory MP, not anywhere on the backbenches, is remotely as distant from the political consensus as Jeremy Corbyn and his pals and nor are Nigel Farage or UKIP. 

Still, a Labour split at any time in history is a good thing for the Tories and for mankind. The Tories should not run candidates against the Labour renegades and hope the Liberal Democrats copy them. 

The Tory renegades have only the issue of Brexit and there is no medium term future in that, though some renegades (thankfully not La Soubry) might keep their seats and be in effect independents. I doubt it though.

Should the Independent Group call themselves the Liberal Party? It would be a better name than New Labour.

1 comment:

  1. And even though they are globalists and sign up to the Blaire agenda, including regulations, taxes, mass immigration and liberal wars, they are better than the far left Corbynites, who also favour mass immigration.

    You actually make the Corbynistas sound considerably less awful than the alternatives.

    Still, a Labour split at any time in history is a good thing for the Tories and for mankind. The Tories should not run candidates against the Labour renegades and hope the Liberal Democrats do the same.

    That would mean a permanent Tory government. Imagine someone like Theresa May prime minister, forever. You'd get so much cultural marxism your head would spin. You'd get full-blown totalitarianism rather than Theresa May's semi-totalitarianism. You'd have a new war every month.

    The Tories are not Tories. They are globalist cultural marxists. Actual Toryism is long gone.

    The best thing for mankind would be for the Independent Group to be crushed mercilessly, like cockroaches.

    And even though they are globalists and sign up to the Blaire agenda, including regulations, taxes, mass immigration and liberal wars, they are better than the far left Corbynites, who also favour mass immigration.

    You actually make the Corbynistas sound considerably less awful than the alternatives.

    Still, a Labour split at any time in history is a good thing for the Tories and for mankind. The Tories should not run candidates against the Labour renegades and hope the Liberal Democrats do the same.

    That would mean a permanent Tory government. Imagine someone like Theresa May prime minister, forever. You'd get so much cultural marxism your head would spin. You'd get full-blown totalitarianism rather than Theresa May's semi-totalitarianism. You'd have a new war every month.

    The Tories are not Tories. They are globalist cultural marxists. Actual Toryism is long gone.

    The best thing for mankind would be for the Independent Group to be crushed mercilessly, like cockroaches.

    Should the Independent Group call themselves the Liberal Party?

    The Tories should rename themselves the Globalist Social Justice Party. Labour should rename itself the Other Globalist Social Justice Party. The Independent Group could then become the Other Other Globalist Social Justice Party. It might be confusing but it would be accurate. Or possibly the Tories could become the Tweedledee Party, Labour could be the Tweedledum Party, and the IG would be the Tweedledumber Party.
