Sunday 3 February 2019

From Rod Liddle's column today

It is always a circular argument — because there is climate change, everything that happens must be because of climate change. This is science at its least dispassionate and its most “woke”— and therefore most vulnerable and open to doubt. And it breeds in people a deep mistrust, because too often, according to the leftie climate-change experts, the villains are convenient targets: always the West, always us, with our privilege and our imperialism. Whereas if you dig a little deeper, rapid population growth and the ferocious industrialisation of China and India are far bigger threats.
A quick update for those who believe new guidelines on free speech at universities mean they are alive with vibrant debate, places where no view is deemed off limits, and so on. Justin Murphy, a political science lecturer at Southampton University, has been suspended and faces a hearing into “gross misconduct” after voicing his objections to abortion.

The university decided this was “incompatible” with its values, which makes it sound as though it runs an abortion clinic on the side. Murphy says he was told before to keep his views hush-hush. Of course you must do that in an institute of higher learning.
Muslim parents in Birmingham have been protesting about a local primary school’s exciting, go-ahead LGBT policies. This involved shovelling fashionable idiocies about diversity into the heads of kids as young as five. Well done, the parents, for taking a stand. At least they have their faith to fall back on: when non-Muslims make similar complaints they are called “bigots”. 

I wonder if they’d enjoy having their kids taught at schools in Brighton, where guidelines for teachers insist that “menstruation must be inclusive of all genders”.


  1. Muslim parents in Birmingham have been protesting about a local primary school’s exciting, go-ahead LGBT policies. This involved shovelling fashionable idiocies about diversity into the heads of kids as young as five. Well done, the parents, for taking a stand. At least they have their faith to fall back on

    Could this be an opening skirmish in the Culture War 2.0 which I predicted a couple of weeks ago? Feminists and the LGBT mob vs Muslims. With SJWs suffering agonies trying to decide if Islamophobia is worse than homophobia.

    It has to happen eventually. The Social Justice religion will not tolerate the existence of a competing religion, especially if it's a living religion like Islam rather than a walking corpse like Christianity. Eventually Muslims will have to take a stand, or be destroyed.

    1. In the early 1990s I hoped that Muslims would be good allies for social conservatives against liberals. It didn't work out like that.

    2. In the early 1990s I hoped that Muslims would be good allies for social conservatives against liberals. It didn't work out like that.

      At that time it would have been foolish from a Muslim perspective to seek such an alliance. Muslims were still a small vulnerable minority so allying with a group as unpopular as social conservatives would have been dangerous. And the degeneracy of the West had not progressed anywhere near as far (or so it seemed) so such an alliance seemed less urgent. And social conservatives at that time did not realise that the Culture War was all but lost so they had no reason to seek such an alliance.

      Things are very different now. Muslims are still a minority but not quite so small or so vulnerable. Cultural and social degeneracy has increased exponentially so it's likely that at least some Muslims are starting to realise that a war to the death with liberalism is inevitable.

      And social conservatives today are such a tiny embattled minority that if they don't find some powerful enemies they're toast.

      So both sides have a much greater incentive to forge an alliance.

      The problem is that at the moment I think most social conservatives are still too stupid to realise just how desperate their situation is.
